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Tattoo Training and Education

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We are a team of innovative tattoo artists at Paradise Tattoo Studio in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, with a drive to educate and learn. We are proud to offer a variety of training programs, courses, masterclasses and workshops in cosmetic, medical and traditional tattooing to support fellow artists and help them to develop their skills and knowledge further, and evolve into new areas of tattooing.

Tanya Buxton has firmly established herself as one of the leaders in the tattooing industry. Her undeniable passion and dedication to her craft, along with her attention to detail, make Tanya a remarkable trainer and educator. Paradise Tattoo Studio offers you the chance to gain valuable insights and knowledge from Tanya’s years of experience working as a cosmetic, medical and traditional tattoo artist.

As a sponsored artist with Killer Beauty, we are thrilled to be able to offer all our students at Paradise a 10% discount off their order, simple use code: TANYABUXTON at the checkout (discount code can only be applied once to one order).

Read on to see the different courses available.


In this training program you will learn how to create beautifully natural and realistic 3D areola-nipple tattoos, for the Breast Cancer and BRCA community, following mastectomy surgery and breast reconstruction.

Cosmetic Tattooing
for Traditional Tattoo Artists

Bringing you the first training of its kind; tattoo artist Tanya Buxton has specifically designed these Cosmetic Tattooing courses for Traditional Tattoo Artists.

Magnum Masterclass

Expand your skills and knowledge in this in-depth needle training.

Learn how to use larger needle configurations and techniques for brow and lip tattooing.

Freckle Tattoo Training

Learn the skills and knowledge to execute natural and flawless looking freckle tattoos for all genders, skin types and skin tones.

1:1 Mentor Training

Exclusively tailored to you and your needs.

These personalised classes are extremely beneficial to any artist looking to further their knowledge and expand their skillset.

Li-Ft: Saline Removal Training

Li-FT is a safe and effective saline based pigment/ink lightening solution. The ability to perform lightening and removal procedures has become a necessary tool and skill for PMU artists, allowing you to offer more options to clients in need.

Make a Training Enquiry

Make a Tattoo Enquiry

Make an areola-nipple tattoo Enquiry